Talking about SEX
Yeah I know what cross your mind! Who told you to watch PORN? I dont meant SEX = PORN or anyway round! It is a much more bigger issue than what you think it is. Begin with the END in mind :
What Do You Want To Result From Sex Education (or name it whatever)
In Europe, most of the countries(let say all of them) practically have Sex Education at school.But have you go trough whats the syllibus is , and how far they had been successfully achieved their GOAL? Anyway, what is their GOAL as in the OBJECTIVE of having them?
What worries the European is the high numbers of teen pregnancy and thats the main reason why they are schooling them about sex, but how many of them had successfully cut down the teen pregnancy's rate?England itself is still in worrying state. So copying their syllibus is just a matter of stupidity on our side. So who can we look at?
HOLLAND aka DUTCH is the answer
How they make it?
They are stressing on HOW TO SAY NO TO SEX? What is the complication of having SEX at the early age and how many of those wished they began a bit more late than what they already did, how to have “safe and pleasurable sex”, the importance of responsibility and how to recognise the symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases.We need to educate them about WHAT THEY DO WHICH BRINGS THEM IN THE CONSEQUENCES OF FEELING WANTED TO HAVE SEX and how to avoid the consequences. All of this are in the Book , al-Quran.
We are not educating our kids of HOW TO MAKE SEX! They had better watch porn if they wish! Eventhough the Dutch are treating Sex as something normal and go deeper into How to make it the Safe Way, I never think we should treat it the same way. So its goes back to our End Goal.
However, what amazed me is the fact that, even the Dutch are very open about Sex, the Dutch teenagers lose their virginity at the age of 17.7 in average compared to 16 in England. Quoted form the article:
"A study of teenagers in both countries found that while boys and girls in the Netherlands gave “love and commitment” as the main reason for losing their virginity, boys in Britain cited peer pressure and physical attraction. "
What They need to do to simply SAY NO especially the over loyal girls out there whose actually being foolished by the boyfriend. The girls need to know how a MALE think. They are all into SEX not the girl herself. Sometimes girls can be foolished enough to misunderstood that fact!
Mamat : sayang sayang tak?
Minah : Mestilah....Baby sanggup buat aaapa saje utk sayang! Cane sayang boleh tanya lagii niii
Mamat : Erm..-sambil bermain2 rambut Minah-...kalau Baby sayang, sayang...kitaa...'ttuuutt' ?
Minah: Sayang....mana boleh.....
Mamat : Baby kata Baby sayang kat sayang?
Minah : Tapi Sayang....
Mamat : Tu tanda cinta kita Baby...Kita akan kahwin juga kan? Sayang takkan tinggalkan baby...Ke Baby ada niat nak tinggalkan sayang? sbb tu baby tak nak kan?
Minah keliru..kemaru...dah mula mahu...
Minah : Mestilah....Baby sanggup buat aaapa saje utk sayang! Cane sayang boleh tanya lagii niii
Mamat : Erm..-sambil bermain2 rambut Minah-...kalau Baby sayang, sayang...kitaa...'ttuuutt' ?
Minah: Sayang....mana boleh.....
Mamat : Baby kata Baby sayang kat sayang?
Minah : Tapi Sayang....
Mamat : Tu tanda cinta kita Baby...Kita akan kahwin juga kan? Sayang takkan tinggalkan baby...Ke Baby ada niat nak tinggalkan sayang? sbb tu baby tak nak kan?
Minah keliru..kemaru...dah mula mahu...
Its all about valueing herself and always bear in mind about the complication. There are 30,978 thousands cases in Malaysia itself, those are the example.If we can grab all those who had been trough it to tell the others about the complication it might help a lot to create the changes.
And of course, we can blend it with Islamic View we are majority Muslim country aren't we? Everyone knows what God say about Zina, how to avoid Zina and what kind of Zina .
More source : Cutting Teen Pregnancy Dutch Way
Statistic anak luar nikah : Utusan
Sex Eduxtion : Why Britain Should Go Dutch
That is what you can do before things happen. Before the pregnancy occur. Anyway, not all the unmarried pregnancy results from Hubungan Rela, whatabout RAPE Case? Someone whose in a tight position?
Everyone knows no matter how worst the RAPE case is , the one who get the BLAME is the girl! So where is our FAIR judgement?
I just wana talk about sex education, so I better stop here before making my post more lengthy.
-call me feminist, i dont mind -
just follow what alquran said
everything will fine
problem - we dont follow it!!
btw, good thought
Its true. God create us.He knows us. He gives us guideline. and when we dont follow it, we things goes very wrong!
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